Our Vision and Mission

Vision Statement  

Texas Koinonia's vision is to provide a Christ-centered environment that encourages individual Christians to expand their potential  as followers of Christ. Koinonians focus on sharing Christ in their families, their churches, their work, and their community.  We believe in the power of prayer and in the Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Mission Statement

With God's help, we will create a Christ-centered community, providing opportunities for Christian fellowship, growth, and worship. Within this loving Christian environment, we will foster personal growth by revealing Christ's work in our lives through open and honest sharing of our life's journeys, celebrations, and struggles. We will provide opportunities for individuals to use their God-given gifts and talents. We will pray for and with each other, and relate to each other with acceptance and encouragement, acknowledging and recognizing that each person is God's unique creation. Through service and kindness, we will model God's unconditional love. All this we will accomplish through the power of prayer, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the love of the Father, and the sacrifice of the Son.

Copyright 2017